Find Your Perfect Christmas Tree
Lovingly growing and delivering Christmas trees to the communities of Wadhurst, Mayfield and Stonegate since 2005.
pick your own or buy online for delivery
Delivery available in local area
Choose from Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce and Nordmann Fir, Serbian Silver Spruce and Fraser Fir trees.
Welcome to the website of Coombe Farm
Christmas trees have been grown at Coombe Farm since 1986. The area dedicated to growing them has been significantly increased since 2005 as demand from local people has risen.
We are a family run business out in the middle of nowhere between Wadhurst, Mayfield and Stonegate.
We grow five species of Christmas tree with Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce and Nordmann Fir being the main ones. There are also some Serbian Silver Spruce and Fraser Fir trees.

Choosing your Christmas Tree
1. The Snap Test
Choose a reputable supplier. We grow qood quality Christmas trees and you can see the quality for yourself when you visit our site. Bend the needle in half – fresh firs should snap whilst fresh pines bend and should not break. A good quality tree will last longer.
3. Consider your Household
2. Measure Your Space
Make sure that you have enough space to get the tree into your home and situate it without damaging furnishings and your ceiling! Allow 12″ topper height between tree and ceiling and ensure you know the available floor space before you come and choose your tree.
4. Aftercare
Any tree above 4ft / 1.2m is unlikely to survive when replanted unless a lot of TLC is applied! Follow the advice on our blog and your tree will easily last into the new year. You can also replant or recycle your tree and we are happy to offer advise for your type of tree.
Have any questions about our Christmas Trees or have a community project that needs a tree?
We are happy to support charities and not-for-profits and regularly donate a tree to the local village primary school. Complete our form and we will call you back.
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